Buku Panduan Cara Cepat Hamil

Facts and Myths About Drugs

We continue with more discussion on the Impact of Various Types of Drugs on human health. The Facts and Myths About Drugs is a scientific fact that is objective, berdsarkan observations, findings, experiments and studies on the effects and consequences of abuse of various drugs on the human body. There are medical facts or the health and behavior. There is also a legal fact, that the rules in a community or communities and countries.

Myth is a belief, a picture or a person or the public perception about drugs and their effects on humans. The description is derived from the subjective experience of himself or a person, the information from another person, or the influence of mass media and advertising. Such information may be true, it could be wrong, which means truth or myth that must be proven before a logical and scientific. Therefore, the problem of drug abuse and prevention efforts are often colored sensations, emotions, and subjective evaluation.

Things that are emotional and sensational are easy targets for manufacturers, dealers, dealer, backing and supporters, to sell and distribute drugs illegally, because of huge financial profits. Organization oraganisasi drug crime is a very neat and very well coordinated. very difficult for government officials in a country to be able to destroy the drug organization. Organization of drug dealers is an international crime.

Several ways the drug organization to expand its network, whether the wearer as well as its circulation area. If at first, users and drug users are at certain levels only, now nearly all walks of life throughout the world there are abusing and using drugs illegally. The main target of drug dealers is a young group, which the younger generation is the group most widely used and abused drugs. ranging from elementary school children to university students, many are affected and become addicted to the use of drugs. But adults too, who already had a thought and emotionally stable enough, there are still affected and become drug users, it has entered various levels of society. From start to officials, employers, employees, unemployed, housewives and many other professions, some are wearing and using drugs. Of course, they expressed a variety of reasons, When asked why they used drugs! But clearly, the drug user is a group of people are stupid and are part of the emotional and psychological instability.

The picture is different from the reality of the field when someone offers drugs on teenagers, because usually the offer in this group are friends in their own neighborhoods that have been affected and the user, even drug dealers. When teenagers begin to try, then it will enjoy a momentary sensation that they feel comfortable, which ultimately will hurt them, because ultimately they became drug users and addicts. Of course they became one of the broken generation that will be detrimental to the development of their state and nation, if they become drug addicts.

The fact that there is and should we think about and tackle this together, very difficult to do, if we do not have the same perception and vision to continue to make efforts and enterprise, for these drugs can be avoided and eliminated in the civilization of a society and nation. Combating drugs necessary firmness of the government of a country, as well as the maximum assistance from the community to always supervise the members of his family, so as not to be a drug user.
Facts and Myths About Drugs Facts and Myths About Drugs Reviewed by Unknown on 6:26 PM Rating: 5
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