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Effect of Various Types of Drugs In Body

Although usually we share news from the world of Watch Telenovelas, there's nothing wrong we try to share about health. Because for us as human health is very important and we must always guard. One way of maintaining our health is our refrain from consuming goods, objects or substances that can cause adverse effects and unwanted in our bodies.We try to share and provide information on "The Influence of Various Types of Drugs On Body". Of course this is only a study of simple and brief, because in addition to the effect that we write on this page, lots of influence and negative impact of other drugs on the health of our bodies.

Class of substances with similar work-power. There is a natural, synthetic, and semi-synthetic. Opioida naturally derived from the sap of the opium poppy (opiates), such as morphine, opium / opium, and kadein. Examples of semi-synthetic opioida is heroin / putauw, and hidromorfin. Examples of synthetic opioida: meperidine, methadone, and fentanyl (white china). Potential relief of pain and lead to dependence, heroin 10 times as much morphine, while the synthetic power of 400 times the power of morphine.

Which is often used today are heroin (putauw). How to use injected into the blood vessels (ngipe), or inhaled through the nose after a burn (ngedrag).

Effect of short-term, loss of pain, reduced tension, a sense of comfort (eforik) followed by a feeling like a dream and drowsiness. Effect of long-term dependence (withdrawal symptoms, tolerance) and died of over dose. Can cause complications, such as constipation, menstrual disorders, hepatitis B / C that damage the liver, or the disease of HIV / Aids that damage the immune so susceptible to infection and cause death.

2. Cannabis (marijuana, cimeng, gelek, and hashish)
Containing THC (Tetrahdrocannabinol) psikoaktif.Ganja that are used are usually in the form of dried plants that chopped, rolled, and lit like a cigarette. In laws - laws, including narcotics marijuana group 1, and strictly forbidden grown, used, distributed and sold.

Immediately after use will arise anxiety, cheerful, talkative, laugh that can not be detained, halusianasi, and changing feelings about the time (long thought and felt for a while) and space (much thought to close), increased heart rate, bloodshot eyes, mouth and dry throat, increased appetite. Effect of long-term, piki power is reduced, decreased motivation, decreased attention to his surroundings, body resistance against infections and diseases of seedlings decreased, reducing fertility for women, inflammation of the lungs - pulmonary, blood flow to the heart is reduced, and changes and disturbances in cell brain.

3. Cocaine (cocaine, crack, coca leaf and coca paste)
Derived from the coca plant, classified as stimulant (increases activity of the brain and other organs function. According to the law - including the narcotics laws cocaine group 1, the form of white crystals. The name of the road was coca, happy dust, charlie, srepet, white snow.

Used by aspirated through the nose, dirokok, and injected. Quickly cause dependency. After use, increased self-confidence, talkative, fatigue disappear, the need for sleep decreases, higher sexual interest and increase, halusianasi visual and tactile (sepetrti there crawling insects), easily suspicious (paranoid). Effect of long-term, malnutrition, anemia, nasal septum is damaged / perforated, and psychotic mental disorders.

4. Alcohol
There are at keras.Bergantung drink ethanol content of drinks there are some hard keras.Minuman class A 1-5% rate of ethanol such as beer, alcohol, the B95-20%) such as various types of wine, liquor group C (20-45% 0 for example, vodka, rum, gin, Manson House, and TKW.

Alcohol suppress the brain (depresansia). After drinking, alcohol is absorbed by the body and into the vessel to menyababkan darah.Alkohol: drunk, stagger, Cadel talk, violent, or destructive acts, incompetence belajart and remember, and cause an accident, because driving drunk. Long term use causes kerusahan in the liver, gastric lymph nodes, peripheral nerves, brain, heart disorders, increased risk of cancer, birth defects and mothers of alcoholics.

5. Group amphetamine (amphetamine, ecstasy, and methamphetamine)
Including stimulant for the central nervous system. also called upper. Amphetamines are often used for weight loss because these substances can reduce hunger. Widely used by students or students who are following the examination period, because it can reduce drowsiness. This substance is also rapidly cause ketergantungan.Ekstasi and Sabu are often used by teens and young adults from all walks of life to have - fun.

Which includes mafetamin is, MDMA (ecstasy, XTC, ineks) and methamphetamine (shabu), which is much abused. Shaped pill colors - colors (ecstasy) or white crystal 9sabu). Called designer drug because it was made in a dark laboratory, that abortion is a mixture of various kinds of substances.

How to Use: drink (ecstasy), inhaled through the nose using a straw (methamphetamine) or injected. Effect of short janghka: do not sleep, feeling carefree, soaring feeling 9fly), a sense of comfort, enhance intimacy. But after that arise malaise, melancholy and loss of appetite, sweating, thirst, stiff jaw and moving - motion, body shaking, jantun pounding, and blood pressure increase. Effect of long-term malnutrition, anemia, heart disease, and mental disorder (psychotic). Brain blood vessels to rupture so that having a stroke or heart failure that can lead to death.
Effect of Various Types of Drugs In Body Effect of Various Types of Drugs In Body Reviewed by Unknown on 7:08 PM Rating: 5
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